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Trial Attorneys for Slip-and-Fall Injuries

What To Do After A Slip And Fall

Let’s face it. From time to time, we all trip over our own feet. Half the time it is our own fault for just being clumsy. Other times, however, slips and falls can happen on someone else’s property and can be the result of that person’s negligence. In those cases, it is important that you take three steps as soon as possible after the accident:

  • Request medical assistance and ensure that your injuries are addressed
  • Take as many pictures of the scene of your accident as you are able
  • Call our trial attorneys so that we can provide you with the counsel you need to protect your interests and your ability to seek compensation for your injuries

Harrison Davis trial attorneys are committed to serving those injured by slip and falls throughout the State of Texas. Over the years, our firm has seen good people get injured and struggle to restore their lives after an accident. Our trial lawyers stand up for those who have been injured in slip-and-fall accidents, and work hard to ensure they receive the justice they deserve.

We Fight For The Truth

A trial is supposed to be about the truth. Too often, we see insurance companies and property owners come into court when a person is legitimately hurt by a slip-and-fall accident and treat it like a game. They simply throw legal theories around to see if any of them stick, and are only interested in protecting their bottom line. Our goal is to successfully fight the big insurance companies that try to get in the way of our clients’ recovery.

We still believe the truth matters and we use our proven trial strategies to help jurors see the truth despite the games played by our opponents.

Justice: generations have fought for it, and so do we. Every day.

Contact An Experienced Slip-And-Fall Injury Lawyer

Get a free consultation with one of our attorneys by calling 254-761-3300 (Waco area) or 409-753-0000 (Beaumont area). Alternatively, you can fill out an online intake form and one of our personal injury trial lawyers will contact you.


Contact the experienced litigation attorneys at Harrison Davis to schedule a free consultation and get the answers you need.