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Trial Lawyers for Drunk Driving Accidents

What the Insurance Companies Don’t Want You to Know

One minute, you’re in control. The next, your world is turned upside down. Perhaps you find yourself injured. Worse yet, a loved one may have been ripped away. Things only get worse as you come to understand that you’ve been in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. If this scene isn’t traumatic enough, imagine your shock and pain when you’re suddenly dealing with an insurance company that is trying to deny you compensation and make your life even more miserable than it has already become.

All of these circumstances may seem out of control. Yet, there is one thing you have complete control over – hiring a trial attorney who is highly experienced in taking on drunk drivers and their insurance companies. The seasoned trial lawyers at Harrison Davis has just the team of lawyers for you. From the first minute, we’ll help you prepare your case for trial by:

  • Working with the police and other investigators to make sure the accident was properly documented
  • Making sure thorough toxicology reports were ordered for the drunk driver
  • Securing contact information for witnesses
  • Investigating the driver’s existing assets so we can ensure he doesn’t not hide assets in an attempt to evade any judgement resulting from your case against him

Whatever you do, please don’t try to take on the drunk driver’s insurance company on your own. Insurance adjusters are notorious for taking advantage of people who have not retained counsel. Indeed, a study conducted by a major insurance company found that individuals represented by an attorney received, on average, at least double the amount of settlement than those without a lawyer.

That’s one of the reasons insurance companies are so eager to throw out settlement offers before you’ve even had a chance to look for an attorney. Go ahead and listen to their offer. Then call us and let us fight for the compensation you deserve.

More About Drunk Driving Accidents in Texas

According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (Texas Chapter), two out of three Texans will be impacted by a drunk driving crash over the course of their lifetime. In 2016, 987 Texans were killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes where a driver was under the influence of alcohol. That’s 26% of the total number of people killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes that year.

Drunk driving accidents ruin lives. Insurance companies that continue to insure and defend these drivers need to be hit where it hurts the worst – right in their wallets. At Harrison Davis, it’s our mission to make sure that those responsible for the disruption of your family’s serenity compensate you to the greatest extent of the law.

Contact an Experienced Texas Motor Vehicle and Car Accident Lawyer

Call us at 800-460-2756, or contact us online, to arrange a free consultation and receive the answers you need following a drunk driving accident. We will help you understand the legal process for filing claim, provide you with straightforward advice about your case and your likelihood of success, and address all other questions that you may have. We’re here to help, call us today!


Contact the experienced litigation attorneys at Harrison Davis to schedule a free consultation and get the answers you need.

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