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Catastrophic Injury Lawyers

These days, it seems like every time you turn on the evening news, there’s a story about some catastrophic event that has caused widespread harm to people and property. All too often, those incidents result from someone else’s negligence. In these difficult circumstances, the people who have suffered need top-quality catastrophic injury lawyers to protect their rights.

In fact, the law firm you hire can be the difference between a fair and just result, or a terribly disappointing outcome. This is particularly true in cases involving catastrophes, large-scale accidents, and toxic exposure. This is because the legal nuances associated with these cases are exceedingly complex. If your attorneys aren’t highly experienced in litigating catastrophic events, your case may be in jeopardy.

Harrison Davis Trial Lawyers — Justice. Dedication. Results.

Harrison Davis Steakley Morrison Jones is one of the leading plaintiffs’ firms in Texas. For more than four decades, our singular goal has been to seek justice on behalf of those who have been harmed by the reckless and negligent conduct of others. Our well-respected trial lawyers have handled many varieties of catastrophic events and large-scale accidents, and have achieved significant successes in these complex matters.

Experienced Trial Lawyers for All Kinds of Catastrophic Events & Disasters

Our practice encompasses cases where severe injuries were caused by:

Environmental disasters:
  • Cntaminated water, chemical exposure, toxic waste, off-gassing, and oil spills
Aviation accidents:
  • Defective equipment, pilot error, pilot intoxication, negligent hiring & retention, and improper maintenance
Industrial accidents:
  • Power tool accidents, lack of safety protocols, assembly line injuries, heavy machinery injuries, out-of-date equipment, falls, burns, and refinery plant explosions
Toxic exposure:
  • Asbestos, noxious chemicals, hazardous waste, harmful dust, and other particulate matter

Contact an Experienced Catastrophic Accident Trial Attorney

When you contact our firm, we will gladly share more about our credentials and past successes with catastrophic accidents and other disaster-related cases. We’ll also provide a free and comprehensive initial consultation. Should you decide to retain our firm, we can take on most lawsuits with no up-front costs to you or your loved ones.

To schedule a consultation with our large-scale accident trial attorneys, contact us online or call our offices at 800-460-2756.


Contact the experienced litigation attorneys at Harrison Davis to schedule a free consultation and get the answers you need.

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