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Syngenta GMO Corn LitigationTrial Attorneys 

Many people have not yet even heard of the Syngenta GMO Corn litigation. Those of you who have suffered financial harm due to the collapse of the corn market in recent years are all too familiar with this disaster. If you’re in the latter group, please allow the trial attorneys at Harrison Davis help you.

The issues surrounding Syngenta GMO Corn are vast and complex. Fortunately, our team of experienced trial lawyers are well-versed in the Syngenta debacle. We offer free consultations that will help you determine whether you have legal rights against this massive company that put profits before real people like you.

Syngenta’s GMO Corn

Syngenta is a Swiss company that sells agricultural products – typically seeds and chemicals for agricultural use – across the globe.

In 2010, the company started to sell a genetically modified (“GMO”) corn seed.  Known as MIR 162 or Agrisure Viptera in the United States, this GMO seed was genetically altered to be more resistant to insects. As such, it was anticipated to yield much higher crops than non-GMO corn seeds.

The Promise That Was Never Fulfilled

Syngenta marketed and sold its GMO Corn seed by telling buyers that their harvested corn crops would be purchased by China. This was a significant promise, as China is responsible for over one-third of all corn exports from the United States. It was also significant because China has extremely strict rules regarding what agricultural products may and may not be imported.

Unfortunately, Syngenta’s promises regarding the Chinese purchases were nothing more than lies. In fact, Syngenta had never received the documentation or approval from the Chinese government necessary to import food products into China. Thus, the company’s representations to U.S. farmers were knowingly false.

More Than Just GMO Corn Affected

Damages stemming from these lies impacted people and businesses beyond those who bought, sold, used, or distributed Syngenta’s GMO Corn. The Chinese government declared that any corn that had even come into contact with the GMO products was ineligible for importation.

In reality, however, corn is often mixed together in grain elevators during harvest and at many other places post-harvest. This meant that a large percentage of U.S.-grown corn was suddenly unable to be sold to China. The glut of resultant unsold corn caused the corn market to collapse.

Widespread Damage Across The Corn Industry And Beyond

This collapse resulted in billions of dollars in damages that affected everyone “from the field to the table” who had any involvement with the corn industry. This includes:

  • Farmers
  • Custom farm operations
  • Landowners that rent or lease their land to others
  • Corn distributors
  • Elevator owners
  • Local co-ops
  • Retailers
  • Distributors

The harm caused by the Syngenta GMO Corn disaster cannot be overstated, and it is not restricted just to those on this list. Even if you do not see your occupation or role listed here, and even if you only have minor involvement in the corn industry, you should reach out and determine what options are available to you.

Get The Answers You Need And The Legal Representation You Deserve

If you believe that you have been impacted by this situation in any way, we encourage you to contact our team of trial lawyers today. We offer free initial consultations so that you can receive the answers you deserve and find out whether you have a potential legal claim against Syngenta.

Contact a trial lawyer experienced with GMO Corn lawsuits

Call us at 254-633-2813 (Waco office) or 409-753-0000 (Beaumont office) or contact us online to arrange a free consultation and receive the answers you need about GMO Corn and your options.


Contact the experienced litigation attorneys at Harrison Davis to schedule a free consultation and get the answers you need.