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The opioid epidemic continues to sweep across the United States. An estimated 54 million people over the age of 12 have used these drugs for non-medical uses. Even though the United States makes up just five percent of the world’s population, U.S. citizens consume approximately 80% of the world’s opioid drugs.

Sadly, more than two million Americans have abused or become dependent on prescription pain pills. During 2015, there were 52,404 overdose deaths in the United States, including 33,091 that involved an opioid. That is nearly 91 opioid overdose deaths per day.

The number of opioid prescriptions distributed by doctors has steadily increased over the years, from roughly 112 million prescriptions in 1992 to approximately 280 million in 2012. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies make over $50 billion in global sales of prescription pain killers every year. The trial lawyers at Harrison Davis find these figures to be unacceptable.

The financial burden of treating patients in Texas who have abused or overdosed on opioids has fallen on hospitals and counties across the state. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than $50 billion are spent each year in health and social costs related to prescription opioid use and more than $20 billion is spent in emergency department and inpatient care for opioid poisonings.

Our trial attorneys are dedicated to leading the fight in Texas against opioid manufacturers, representing more than a dozen counties across the state.

Contact An Experienced Pharmaceutical Trial Lawyer

Call our firm at 409-753-0000 (Beaumont area) or 254-761-3300 (Waco area) to schedule a consultation and discuss your injury with our accomplished trial attorneys.


Contact the experienced litigation attorneys at Harrison Davis to schedule a free consultation and get the answers you need.